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Industry Verticals

AlyData is in the business of providing data Advisory and data and AI governance services. In addition, we develop and implement Data Analytics, Data Science, and Cyber Security solutions for our clients. Our advisers have deep expertise in Financial Services, Federal Government,  and Travel and Hospitality verticals.

Financial Services/Banking

Financial Services/Banking

Federal Government

Federal Government

Travel and Hospitality

Travel and Hospitality

Financial Services & Banking

The first and most visible dimension includes the “current” or “hot” issues in the industry media and conferences. They typically revolve around the latest technology or political/regulatory trend, and while often urgent, are not always strategic. They tend to be the relatively fast-moving issues that change from year to year. The list includes:


  • incorporating mobile banking as a regular delivery channel,

  • developing a strategy around social media, and

  • coming to permanent resolution with the regulatory issues, such as Dodd-Frank, Basel and the CFPB -- dealing with the economic aftermath of the “fiscal cliff,” whichever way it turns out.


A second dimension of issues is more complex and more regular, involving those recurring financial and competitive industry issues that financial institutions deal with every year. 


Competitive pressures, Advanced Analytics and Regulatory Compliance are the primary drivers for comprehensive Governance, Big Data and Cyber Security in Banking and Financial Services firms. AlyData advisors have a unique combination of Financial Services domain expertise and Big Data and Cyber Security execution - giving us a significant competitive advantage.  


Click on these links to view the comprehensive Data Management and Cyber Security services we provide in these areas.

Public Sector (Federal & State Governments)

How do government and business leaders keep pace with change while ensuring cost efficiency and overall effectiveness? AlyData's data and risk management  services and solutions help you achieve more with less.

Government organizations face increasing pressure to control spending while simultaneously improving services. In the public sector, agency leaders must manage their organizations for greater accountability, transparency, and spending effectiveness.

Major changes in regulations and constant audit pressures are putting a strain on agencies. Agency leaders are challenged to implement meaningful changes that improve government’s transparency, accountability, and performance.

At AlyData, we understand that effective leaders must manage competing priorities to achieve mission objectives. Our industry leading CDO Advisory, data science, analytics, cyber security, and GRC expertise help clients define and balance their strategic objectives to achieve their mission.

Travel & Hospitality

The travel and hospitaility industry is not only awash in data–it’s also inundated with mandates to make better use of that data. And yet, despite the incentives and the opportunity, the healthcare industry is struggling to turn that data into better, more efficient care.


The travel industry has lagged other industries in exploiting data. There are some good reasons for that, including the fact that 50 percent of data in travel is unstructured.


Attempts to extract meaningful information from unstructured data are notoriously difficult, especially when traditional tools, such as relational data stores, form the basis of the analytics platform.


The good news is that there’s a lot of low-hanging fruit that travel organizations can grab, given the right data tools.


Click on this link to view the comprehensive Big Data and Cyber Security services we provide in these areas. Please click on the CDO Advisory, Data Science, GRC, and the Cyber Security Services link to view our offerings.

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